sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

The Sun and the Moon challenge - Shakti & Teizo - part 04

I didn't played much yesterday because I discovered that for some reason I don't have my old genetics (skins, eyes, makup, eyebrows) backups so I panicked and went to a download spree to recover what I was used to have (mostly from GOS and asian sites) and ended downloading a lot of nice new things.

Where were we? Oh, yes, right here.


Teizo was crawling desperated for sunlight and I was helpless cause I didn't know what to do.

Well, I did nothing. I waited till the sun come. But I also checked the sims wiki and discovered that exist a lamp in the game that provide sunlight, I was mixing that lamp with a identical model from a previous expansion. I was buying the lamp in the lights department, it seems there is another one in the garden department. Since I discovered that after close my game, I must try today. Teizo definitely needs something to spend the night in a better shape.

Then when the day was arriving, guess what happened?


Exactly. The game counted the time we spent in the city shopping and in the wedding party as part of the pregnancy time and a baby boy born - and we called him Robin. He is a human-sim baby, not a spore-baby. I plan to have a spore-baby but I prefer to have them in this order because human babies grow, become toddler, then child and then teen and spore-babies jump from toddler to adult. So our future plantsim offspring will become older than our human offspring in a blink. It's better to wait till our human baby become a teen to have a plantsim baby. I'm planning to have them living together in a small earth house with a big garden. Probably in the Blue Water.

We spent three days very busy.

Teizo and Shakti had to take care of Robin...


... and I had to take care of Teizo and Shakti to keep them alive. I didn't took many pictures because it was very complicated and consuming.


They are both great parents.

We also continued with our everyday activities...


...and everynight activities.



Shakti is writing a novel.

Our little boy finally grow. I completely forgot the birthday party, again.


Oh, I loved the random hair!


It seems he have brown hair? That would be so perfect since Shakti have black hair and Teizo have blond hair! My game did that by itself? Unbelievable.

This is not really relevant to the story but I loved and took a picture:


Shakti caught a fish fishing in the dump pile (with the assistance of a "fish anywhere" hack that I use just because I think is a funny idea). The sparkling food amuses me since Seasons was released.

Stay tuned...

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